What Is The Price Of Battery Cage System For Layers?



In commercial egg production, the effectiveness and compact design of battery cage systems have led to widespread adoption. Despite the controversy, the system is still widely used in the industry. In this article we will look at battery cage systems, their advantages and disadvantages, and provide a cost estimate for setting up a battery cage system for laying hens.

Learn about battery cage systems

In a battery cage system, laying hens (hens raised for laying eggs) are housed in stacked cages that are designed to make the most of the available space. This intensive farming makes it possible to raise more birds in a relatively small space, thereby increasing egg production. Farmers can harvest eggs more easily and efficiently because cages often have feeding, watering and egg collection mechanisms.

Battery cage system composition

Battery cages are typically made from durable materials, such as galvanized steel or high-quality plastic. Each layer is housed in the small space provided by these cages, preventing them from moving around the facility.

Wire Mesh Flooring: Wire mesh flooring is often used to construct the bottom of a cage. This design makes litter easier to manage and ensures cleaner eggs by passing the feces through. Wire floors have been criticized because of possible injuries to chickens’ feet.

Feeding system: The battery cage is equipped with an automatic feeding system. The delivery system delivers feed to each cage immediately from a feed trough outside the cage, ensuring a stable supply of food.

Watering System: The battery cage system also includes an automatic watering system. A drinker or cup is installed inside the cage to provide the laying hens with a continuous supply of clean water.

Price Of Battery Cage System For Layers
Price Of Battery Cage System For Layers

Battery cage system structure

Vertical stacking: Battery cages are stacked vertically into multiple layers to fully utilize the available vertical space. This layout allows more egg layers to be accommodated in a smaller space, making it a practical option for large-scale egg production.

Aisles and Walkways: Battery cage systems are designed to make it easy for farm workers to carry out daily activities including cleaning, collecting eggs and feeding livestock. Channels separating cage rows make moving and maintenance tasks easier.

Feces collection system: The feces collection system is located underneath the cage. Feces and trash are collected on trays or conveyors and passed through wire mesh floors before being disposed of or recycled as fertilizer.

Ventilation: Proper ventilation is essential to maintaining a healthy environment for laying hens. The battery cage system is equipped with fans and vents to ensure adequate air circulation and temperature control.

Price estimation for a battery cage system

The cost of setting up a battery cage system for laying hens can vary depending on a variety of factors, such as the size of the operation, cage quality and additional features. As of 2023, here are rough estimates for a medium-sized layer farm of 1,000 birds:

Cage Units: The cages themselves cost anywhere from $100 to $150 per unit, depending on materials and design. For a farm of 1,000 birds, you would probably need about 50 units, so the cost would be about $5,000 to $7,500.

Infrastructure and Housing: Building a structure to house the cages and provide basic amenities like water and electricity can add another $15,000 to $25,000 to the total investment.

Feeding and watering system: Expect to spend about $1,000 to $1,500 on an efficient feeding and watering system.

Miscellaneous Expenses: Including insulation, egg straps, and other accessories, total miscellaneous expenses are approximately $2,000 to $3,000.

Keep in mind that these are only rough estimates and prices can vary significantly depending on location, cage quality and prevailing market conditions. Additionally, ongoing expenses such as feed, veterinary care and labor costs should be factored into the budget.

In conclusion

Due to its efficient and space-saving design, the battery cage system remains a widely used method in commercial egg production. While it offers advantages such as higher egg production and disease control, it also raises concerns about animal welfare. For those considering building a battery cage system, the initial investment may be significant, but the potential returns may outweigh the costs.

As the poultry industry continues to grow, farmers are encouraged to explore alternative housing systems that prioritize animal welfare and productivity. Ultimately, the decision to adopt a battery cage system or choose an alternative approach should be made after careful consideration of the specific needs and values of the farm and its operators.

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