Two ways to raise chickens: cage system, slatted floor system


Chicken farming is an important aspect of agriculture, providing protein for human consumption and providing livelihoods to many farmers around the world. The raising of broilers and laying hens has evolved and there are now many methods of raising chickens, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. This article will look at the two main methods of commercial chicken raising, cage systems and slatted floor systems.

Battery cage system

Cage cage systems are one of the most common methods of raising chickens, especially in industrial settings. In this system, chickens are kept in small wire cages, with multiple chickens in one cage. The cages are stacked on top of each other to save space, and the chickens are fed and watered automatically.


Battery cage systems are very efficient in terms of space utilization because the cages can be stacked to accommodate more chickens.
Automatic feeding and watering systems reduce the time and labor required to feed and water chickens.
Cages confine chickens inside and reduce the risk of disease transmission.


Cage cage systems provide limited space for chickens, which can result in poorer chicken welfare.
Restraint can also lead to aggression and feather pecking behavior between chickens.
Cages are difficult to clean, and accumulation of feces can lead to poor air quality and potential health problems for the chickens.

Battery cage system

Slatted floor system

In a slatted floor system, chickens are housed in a barn or shed and have slatted floors so that manure falls to a collection area below. The chickens can move freely around the coop and are fed and watered via manual or automated systems.


The slatted floor system provides more space for the chickens, thus improving welfare.
Manure collection systems help keep barns clean and reduce the risk of disease transmission.
A slatted floor system can be more environmentally friendly as manure can be collected and used as fertilizer.


Slatted flooring systems require more space than battery cage systems.
If not properly protected, chickens may be at risk of being predated or escaping.
Slatted flooring systems may require more time and labor for cleaning and waste management.

Slatted floor system

In summary, each method of raising chickens has its advantages and disadvantages, and the best method will depend on each farmer’s specific needs and circumstances. In terms of equipment, battery cage systems require chicken cages, automatic feeding and watering systems, and manure collection systems. A slatted floor system requires a barn or shed with a slatted floor, a feeding and watering system, and a manure collection system.

No matter which chicken raising method you choose, it is important to prioritize the welfare of your chickens and provide them with a clean, comfortable and safe environment. This can be achieved through regular cleaning, proper ventilation and adequate space, as well as providing the chickens with food, water and sunlight.

Overall, chicken farming can be a lucrative and rewarding industry, but it requires careful consideration and planning to ensure the success and sustainability of the operation. By choosing the right methods and investing in the necessary equipment, farmers can provide humans with a high-quality protein source while also providing livelihoods for themselves and their communities.

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