The difference between backyard chicken farming and farm chicken farming


As more and more people pay attention to the source and quality of food, raising chickens has become the choice of many families and farms. Whether in your own backyard or on a professional farm, raising chickens can provide fresh eggs and even meat. However, there are significant differences between backyard chicken farming and farm chicken farming in terms of scale, management methods, economic benefits, and impact on the environment.

Scale and facilities

Backyard chicken farming usually refers to small-scale chicken farming activities at the family level. Families may only raise a few to dozens of chickens, with the main purpose of self-sufficiency to meet the family’s needs for eggs and occasional meat. The facilities for backyard chicken farming are relatively simple, usually including a small chicken coop and a sports field to ensure that the chickens have enough space to move and forage.

Farm chicken farming is a more professional and commercial way of raising chickens. Farms may raise hundreds to thousands of chickens, specializing in providing eggs and chicken meat for the market. Chicken farming on this scale requires more complex facilities, including automated feeding and cleaning systems, as well as strict disease control measures. You also need to go to poultry equipment manufacturers such as Livi Machinery to purchase fully automatic poultry equipment, fully automatic feeding equipment, environmental control systems, etc.

automatic poultry equipment

Feeding and management

The management of backyard chicken farming is relatively loose. Due to the small number of chickens, family members can directly participate in feeding, cleaning and health monitoring. In this way, chickens can often forage freely, have diverse food, and live in a more natural environment.

In contrast, farm chicken farming requires more stringent and systematic management. Farms usually adopt intensive farming, with high chicken stocking density, and the supply of feed and water needs to be precisely controlled. In addition, in order to prevent the spread of diseases, farms also need to conduct regular vaccinations and health checks.

Economic investment and return

The economic investment of backyard chicken farming is relatively low, and the main expenses include the construction of chicken houses and daily feed costs. Due to its small scale, its economic return is mainly reflected in the savings in the purchase of eggs and chicken.

The economic investment of farm chicken farming is significantly higher than that of backyard chicken farming, including advanced breeding equipment and a large amount of feed costs. However, due to the scale effect, the economic returns of farm chicken farming are also more substantial, especially when selling eggs and chicken in professional markets.

Impact on the environment

Backyard chicken farming has a relatively small impact on the environment. Since the number of chickens is limited and they can often forage freely, it puts less pressure on the land. Households can also recycle chicken manure as fertilizer through reasonable planning to increase soil fertility.

Farm chicken farming has a greater impact on the environment due to its scale and intensive characteristics. High-density chicken farming may lead to waste disposal problems and potential threats to the surrounding environment such as water sources and air quality.


Although backyard chicken farming and farm chicken farming are both ways of raising chickens, they are essentially different in terms of scale, management, economic benefits and environmental impact. For families pursuing self-sufficiency and quality of life, backyard chicken farming is a good choice. For farmers pursuing economic benefits and market expansion, farm chicken farming is more suitable. No matter which method you choose, reasonable planning and management are the key to success. Whether you have any questions about backyard chicken farming or farm chicken farming, please feel free to consult us and we will answer any questions for you.

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