Broiler Battery Cage System in High Temperature


Recently, continuous high temperature has become a hot word. Under high temperature of more than 40 degrees, people need air conditioning to cool down, but in Suizhou, Hubei, nearly 4,000 chickens died of heat stroke in a short period of time. Could it be because the cage chicken house was not equipped with a cooling device?

It is understood that the continuous high temperature caused the chicken house to turn on the fan to cool down, but due to the power outage of the circuit, the fan stopped working, and there was no cooling system, causing the temperature in the cage chicken house to continue to rise, turning it into a “steam room”. A reasonably designed smart cage chicken house should have smart sensors and alarms, which can give early warnings even if the fan fails. Unfortunately, in this case, due to incorrect wiring during installation, the alarm system did not work and no warning signal was issued. This series of events caused the temperature in the broiler cage system to rise rapidly, resulting in the unfortunate death of more than 4,000 chickens in just two hours.

This incident prompted chicken farmers to reflect on whether professional matters should be left to professionals, whether they only focus on low prices, and whether chicken farming should use smart devices.

In the hot summer, the broiler cage system is a big challenge for chicken farmers, and the broiler cage system must take appropriate cooling measures. High cage density and overheating can cause heat stress in chickens, affecting their growth and production efficiency. Taking effective measures to cool down the broiler cage system can prevent heat stress.

The key points for preventing and treating heat stress are as follows:

Improve the cage environment: Heat stress is mainly caused by high temperature. Therefore, the main measure to prevent and treat heat stress is cage ventilation and cooling. Farmers should strengthen cage ventilation and maintain appropriate stocking density. Installing cooling pads in cages and cooperating with ventilation equipment can significantly reduce the cage temperature by about 10°C.

Adjust feed formula in time: High temperature will reduce the feed intake of chickens, resulting in insufficient nutrient intake. In summer, farmers should adjust feeding plans, increase the energy and protein content in feed, and supplement vitamins and trace elements.

Adjust feeding time: Generally, farmers feed chickens in the morning, noon and evening, but in summer, the feeding time should be adjusted to avoid the hottest period. Feeding in the early morning and evening can prevent the body temperature from rising due to feeding and reduce heat stress. It can also increase feed intake and enhance the resistance of chickens.

Add anti-heat stress substances: Many chicken farmers are aware of the anti-heat stress effect of vitamin C. Therefore, adding a large amount of vitamin C (0.1-0.2g per kilogram of feed) to drinking water or feed can enhance the ability of chickens to resist heat stress and relieve heat stress symptoms. Adding 0.2%-0.3% baking soda can reduce respiratory acidosis, improve the alkaline environment of the intestine, increase the concentration of calcium ions in the blood, promote calcium absorption, improve eggshell quality, and prevent paralysis of laying hens. If necessary, certain heat-resistant substances such as borneol, mint or its preparations can also be added.

Provide sufficient cool drinking water: In hot weather, it is essential to continuously provide chickens with cool well water, which can significantly reduce the body temperature of chickens and prevent heat stress.

Individual treatment: Chicken farmers should observe the flock regularly and take timely measures if individual chickens show symptoms of heat stroke. Orally giving 0.5mL of Houttuynia cordata water to the affected birds and placing them in a cool and ventilated place can quickly relieve the symptoms.

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